Establishing a normal routine for your children can help them in many ways. A predictable lifestyle allows people to feel safe, which means that a regular routine for your children can aid in increasing their confidence, eliminating fear, and cultivating their independence.
Being able to predict what will happen throughout their day eliminates a great deal of anxiety and stress caused by the unexpected. Predictability breeds a sense of safety, especially for children. Because young children’s brains haven’t fully-developed, they don’t allow for as much flexibility in routine as an adult’s.
Understanding of the World
Young children don’t fully understand the concept of time. They don’t know how to gauge minutes or hours. Regular events allow them to structure their day in a way they can comprehend. This helps them to understand the world around them.
Cultivate Confidence
Knowing what will happen throughout their day will give kids extra confidence. When they know the next steps they must accomplish, they will have the confidence to take the initiative to complete the process on their own. This will help develop their independence and decision making skills.
Healthy Habits
A regular routine provides your children with the tools they need to establish healthy habits, like brushing their teeth. A regular schedule will result in regular meals and bedtimes, which are necessary for their body to maintain healthy functions. Having consistency will build greater self-discipline to continue their healthy habits. A routine also will offer stability in stressful times.
The creation of a bedtime ritual will eliminate the bedtime struggle, which can greatly reduce your stress. Your child will learn to associate certain actions with getting sleepy, which can make bedtime much easier.
Childhood can be an incredibly confusing time. Learning, discovering new things, and growing can create a world of questions for your children. Establishing a routine can help your child get through this time with the least amount of stress possible.
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